No corrosion allowance is required for such parts not in contact with the inside fluid as the outside surface of shell, skirt, support lugs and so on, except for anchor bolts. 对于不同内部介质接触的部件,如外表面、防护罩及支承凸缘等不需腐蚀余度,地脚螺栓除外。
Other parts add1/ 2 of the specified corrosion allowance on each side. 两个压力室的分隔部件,应对部件的的每侧提供一个腐蚀余度。
Consideration of Corrosion Allowance in Pressure Vessel Strength Calculation 压力容器强度计算中如何考虑腐蚀裕量
Reliability Design of Corrosion Allowance for Steel Pressure Vessel and Piping 钢制压力容器与管道腐蚀裕量的可靠性设计
An Example of Determining Inspection Period by Calculating Corrosion Allowance 一个计算腐蚀裕量确定检验周期的实例